jingoace Member


  • Thanks. I had calculated my TDEE earlier in the year (posted it on my blog so I wouldn't forget) when using 3x a week exercise level TDEE = Maintenace = 2095 cal per day 20% defecit = for FAT LOSS = 1676 cal per day Maybe I need to focus on EATING MORE?? and eating my exercise calories too... I also know I need more…
  • I am seeking weight LOSS, but definitely want to maintain healthy eating habits. For some crazy reason, I am steadily gaining..... just hoping others can pinpoint what I'm screwing up on. Thanks all for your insights, :) J
  • Congrats! You are an Inspiration to others of us! GOOD JOB!!! :) J
  • I have a 30-yr old and a 26-yr old... to keep decent weight on them I feed 5# alfalfa-bermuda pellets, 5# Triple Crown Senior, 1# Calf Manna, and 1-2 flakes alfalfa TWICE A DAY. Be sure to be up-to-date on your worming and teeth-floating. One horse requires his pellets to be wetted or slurpy in order to consume them. Every…
  • I tried the curry flavor - but it doesn't taste like curry to me. I am NOT a fan of curry anyways, so it is fine with me. But, if you wee really hoping for a taste senstation - the curry flavored "pure wraps" don't have much. I did just order another few packs of the regular flavor "pure wraps" - they are making my…
  • Love those rust breeches! I think they're SO Classy looking... AND, they don't seem to show the dirt as well as lighter colors, sow wear'm to school in! And, put a dab of "stick-tite" on them, in kneethigh spots to make them abit less slippery. Congrats on finding a new set of breeches in your closet! :) J
  • 180... I think I'm going the wrong way....ugh
  • June Goals: 1. Pilates Core-Fusion w.o at least 3x a week (=12 workout sessions) 2. Ride Mango at least 2x a week (= 8 riding sessions) 3. Continue Paleo-style menu = avoiding dairy,wheat, processed foods, sugars, beans Again, simplicity is good, imho
  • May results - 1. Paleo every day except for 2 (over memorial day weekend!) 2. protein - getting way more daily with paleo eating, but didn't really keep a log or anything 3. walking - failed... could not walk at all for the 3 weeks of knee injections, so basically gave up on this one. Overall - I feel the simplicity of my…
  • o.k... so today, after 24 hours in the ice-cream maker container in my freezer, it has more of a texture of chocolate ice milk...lots of crystalized water solution & not so creamy as when it was fresh-made. Still, not a bad substiture, imho :) J
  • WHOA! One Emu EGG fed FOUR people!!!! Wow! No wonder Grok likes Eggs! LOL Thanks for the updates.... Glad the "taste test" came out o.k. too! :) J
    in Emu eggs Comment by jingoace May 2012
  • I FINALLY FOUND A SOLUTION - to my Ice cream cravings.... I just made chocolate coconut milk icecream - WOW! I am ECSTATIC to have found this recipe! It is Easy, AND it tastes Good! even my hubby liked it!!!! (I did NOT atd the almond slices, & did use 1/3 cup honey as the sweetener) Deliciousness!!!…
  • just made chocolate coconut milk icecream - WOW! even my hubby liked it!!!! (I did NOT add the almond slices, & did use 1/3 cup honey as the sweetener) Deliciousness!!! http://wholenewmom.com/recipes/dairy-free-coconut-milk-ice-cream-recipe-chocolate-almond-chip/ Today's weight - 179.0
  • So, what happened to the "emu egg" experiment? What'd you end up doing with them? And, how did they taste? Would you eat emu eggs again? :) J
    in Emu eggs Comment by jingoace May 2012
  • http://improveat.com/whatoffer.php They have plain & curry flavored. I have not yet tried the curry. Love, love, love being able to have "something" that looks like a wrap to make a burrito or veggie wrap with! They work for me so far. :) J
  • REALLY? That sounds interesting. I wanna know what you decide to do with them!!! And how do they taste? :) J
    in Emu eggs Comment by jingoace May 2012
  • Just made a batch of Buffalo Meatloaf... and the taste-testers in my house have deemed it acceptable, i.e. I COULD make it again. LOL :) J
  • My Mid-month Update" Well, so far I am doing pretty good on my #1 and #2 challenges, but have not done ANY extra walking for #3. The Paleo for a month is actually quite interesting... finding recipes that my husband will eat has been a challenge, but I think it is actually going fairly well. :J
  • Bacon, huh? I'll make some slices up & take them with me. Tea - good idea. I've been putting a Biegelow peppermint spearmint teabag into a cute flower-pot shaped mug & leaving it on my kitchen table, so every time I come into the kitchen when I see the cute flower-pot, then I take a goodly swig of tea... These flower-pot…
  • Oh Puckernuts... sorry, wrong link.... Here's the right link for BUFFALO TACOS http://www.yummly.com/recipe/Buffalo-Tacos-My-Recipes :) J
  • o.k. - it ended up being Buffalo Taco's and fresh fruit for dinner. Here's the recipe I followed - it was kinda bland, but tasty at the same time... http://hip2save.com/2012/02/29/delicious-coconut-milk-coffee-creamer-recipe-non-dairy-paleo-friendly/ in case anyone was interested... :) J
  • I have done quite a bit of juicing and I would log it as: Carrots - raw (or fresh) 3 large; Celery - fresh - 3 stalks; Cucumber - fresh - .50 Not sure what others do, but I try to log the vegetable or fruit as raw or fresh. :) J
  • Hi There, I too have many of the symptoms listed on the power surge site... & reading that site's information helped me realize that I am NOT just a bat-**** crazy old women! As far as the "Revival Soy Protein" - it is all hype & marketing, imho. Yes, I did purchase a BOX of the peachy flavor & the chocolate flavor. I can…
  • My May Challenge is: 1. Eat Paleo for the month 2. Eat more Protein 3. Walk 40 miles That's it, :) J
  • Thank you for the paleo challenge site. It has helped me sorta dfine what I think I am doing. I am going to try to eat Paleo for the month of May. The hardest challenge is going to be feeding my spouse - i.e. convincing him that I am not killing him by eating "diet" food! LOL. I think if I pre-plan stuff well, so that the…
  • 4/30/12 = 178.8 :) J