

  • "Well I"m not the world's most masculine man but I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man, and so is Lola"~The Kinks
  • Excellent!!! After a lot of potato chips yesterday, I'm ready to get this show on the road too. Go Team Lava!!
  • You can try keeping your abs pulled in and slightly contracted to support your back. You may be arching. Have you watched yourself in a mirror? That can be helpful for spotting form issues. Or if you belong to a gym, ask a certified trainer to watch you do a few reps. Good luck!
  • Hello - I'm a personal trainer and a runner, and I've trained a lot of beginners. This is a common problem. The best thing to do is to focus on the *exhales*, then let your lungs just naturally re-inflate on the inhales. As soon as you start to concentrate on the inhales, you get into the slippery slope of huffing and…