It could be that you sleep too much. At some point I think your body just gets used to being in the sleep state? I'm not sure but I know I used to have that problem. You might need to drink more water as well. I think I read somewhere that a lack of water makes you tired? Not really sure on that. Might wanna double check.
The freshman 15 mostly comes from the binge drinking the most freshman decide to take up their first time away from home, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. As far as variety goes you could always try some wraps and soups. I don't know exactly what the colleges there offer since most tend to be a little different.
If you go with wii fit I also suggest EA Active. It can be used both with and without the wii fit board.
Yeah good to know! I am not on depo so that is a big plus I suppose.
It should be healthier for you considering it is raw and therefore is not as processed as other sugars? Not sure...
Then why do they bother listing weight change as a side effect? How bothersome! I know I gained weight last time but maybe that was for another reason then?
Exactly. It is challenging.
The kind I'm doing doesn't really involve standing around. It's more of a competetive type.
I read that the artificial sweeteners that are commonly used (especially in diet drinks) can be up to 600x sweeter than regular sugar and that is what causes you to crave the sugar. I'm not sure if it was pointed at a specific sweetener or what not, but it was enough to make me not want to use it.
For a light lunch I just stuff a Telera roll from Walmart with a couple of slices of cheese like cheddar and provolone.
PNW here too! =) Welcome!
I really enjoyed it. I read it in July of 2009 and I have been a vegetarian ever since. It might be a bit extreme, and it probably shouldn't be marketed as a diet book, but I feel like you can really learn a lot from it still.
I try not to do too many cheat days, but a couple of times I skipped going to the gym for a week and I still ended up losing weight both times.
For me, anything goes as long as I stay true to the calorie goal. I just watch how much I eat considering I was over eating all the time before I joined. I only have my goals set to lose a pound a week, but most of the time I will lose a bit more than that.
If you have a wii, I highly suggest the EA Active.
I'm almost always cold, but my thyroid and diabetes tests came back normal.
I was just tested for both of those, but came back clear even though I have a majority of the symptoms. My sister in law has hypothyroidism. Usually the meds they give you will help get your weight back in check. At least, that's how it worked for my sister in law. I think it will just depend on the person. Sorry I can't…
You just made my night!!!!
If you have a wii, I highly suggest EA Active. The workouts range from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on how much time you have to do them. They really kick your *kitten*! lol.
I just had 3 impacted teeth taken out in December. I ate lots of soup, mashed potatos, yogurt, and the like. V8 was also really helpful. It's got about 120 for 8 oz for the fusion. The first day was pretty hard to eat though, so just take it easy and do what you can.
I've never heard of this before. But I always put on water weight during mine.
I always drain at least one 16 oz water bottle during my work outs, so that is good. And I don't drink soda or coffee, so the water I do drink is what makes up most of my liquids. I've started carrying a water bottle with me every day, so eventually I should be able to get up the full amount! =)
You could try yoga. It really tones up the body.
Thanks for the great tips so far everyone! They sound awesome!!!
I will give that a shot! Thank you!
Thank You! =)
Usually it depends on what is around. I try to go for granola bars over things like jelly beans. I've also been trying to buy less junk, so hopefully that will help too. I've never had hummus, but I am willing to give it a try! I'd love to try your recipe to start with. And thanks for the tips about the water!