

  • Congratulations on your weight loss!! Keep going!! I think cheat foods are fine just as long as you keep it in your calorie goal for that day. That's what I do and I always manage to stick in my calories.
  • That's what I do. I drop my calories by 100 calories each week. I'm fairly good and I manage to stick with it but I have had some issues recently in that I havent changed my diet or exercise yet I'm still maintaining the weight. It's really really annoying! I lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks. Since then...I've just…
  • Congratulations that's amazing!! I've lost 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks and can't seem to lose anymore!! I've maintained my weight for the past week and a half which is very frustrating. I havent increased my calories or anything, just been sticking to 900 cals a day. Also been exercising about 4 times a week and I havent…
  • Hey I've just started on this thing and it'd be good to have some friends to keep me motivated :)