Natp274 Member


  • "You're so fit I hate you" this from a friend who's slimmer than me "You should do more of ..." suddenly EVERYONE is a personal trainer
  • Awesome read !
  • Hey ya, have sent you a friend request :) GOOD LUCK ^_^
  • Hey ya, I've only recently come back too! 30 days ago according to the MFP time tracker thingee, but who's counting? hehe Would be glad to share the journey with you, I've sent you a friend request :) Good luck ^_^
  • Hey ya! From NZ and looking for some new friends. Will send you a friend request. Good luck on your quest :)
  • Hey ya ! I'm from NZ, will send you an add shortly, I also need some more friends :) Great to have you on this journey..
  • THAT'S AWESOME !! Well done you, and thanks for the story. Really helps and is encouraging :)
  • THANKS for this, I am going to try this ! :)
  • Hi ya, don't have any advice to give, but just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I've learnt alot from your questions, and the responses. I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago, not such a high gain, but a gain is a gain be it 3 or 10 pounds. I will be more mindful, and take aboard all the good advice. So…
  • I agree with you both, and mine is private. :glasses:
  • I was just thinking of posting a topic like this one over the weekend! I'm from New Zealand, half Maori half Niuean (polynesian people from the pacific). Our everyday is around food, and all family gatherings. We recently had a birthday for a family member, and the ammount of food! It was yummy, but almost depressing at…
  • Happy Birthday :) love the steps too. Funny thing you said about a guy if he doesn't like you now, the we won't like you 20 pounds later... I said something similar but back to front. If I'm not comfortable with myself naked, then how can I expect someone else to be. LOL. This week has been good, been under my calorie goal…
  • Yummm! I will try this, thank you :)
  • Friend request sent! tho I wouldn't say I'm a professional at giving advice :p
    in HI Comment by Natp274 July 2011
  • hey chickee, good on you for taking the step! Add me if you want extra support and someone else to share your blood sweat and tears (well mainly the sweat and tears lol). Go hard, and good luck! Happy thoughts N :)
  • Hey yas! I binged on Thursday last, but I think I may have already 'confessed' that hehe. Otherwise, since that VERY expensive (in calorie currency) dinner out, a tiny light bulb went off in my head. And I realised that I'm slaving my butt off at the gym JUST to work off the chocolate mud cake that I ate... hmmm an…
  • hi ya, youtube has a few good exercises. Check out this dude, he's pretty good and I've tried this work out in particular: hope this helps
  • met some friends lastnight, and ate what wasn't healthy a la chocolate mud cake! grrrr... ah well, changing the wheels and getting back on the wagon. i'm so glad I haven't had a meltdown or just totally given up, so that's a plus. Hope you're all doing better than me! :)
  • Wowzers, that's amazing dude! Keep it up, definitely have inspired me.
  • You can tell you're a kid/Nerd from the 80's when you can still remember one (or two haha) TV Advert song that you really loved. Nerd is the New Black.. well it could be. I heart all that you've mentioned + manga movies, all pixar and dreamworks movies. Don't even get me started on gamming! I have xformers, spiderman, xmen…
  • Hey Ya, I will add you. I'm always glad to have new friends, the ones I have so far help me stay focused and motivated :) And also encouraging when I've had my off days, but so glad that they're there!!
  • Friend Request sent, good luck on this journey. You can do it ! :)
  • GOOD LUCK! And stick to it, you can do anything :). Add me if you need a little extra support, tho I am relatively new myself. Am always glad to encourage and be encouraged. Take care..
  • hi ya! I sent you a friend request. Good luck and go hard with your journey to better living :)
  • DAY 6: weekend didn't go so well, I failed miserably on Saturday which I am trying not to beat myself up over. Today is a new day, bring on day 7. Here I go for the next 14 days. Hope everyone else is doing better than I am :) Great day to all! N
  • hi Kristy! and three for me yesterday, and I had a late snack lastnight. Was a bowl of cereal with yoghurt and a banana... not like my usual night snack... but THAT tipped me over my daily calories, and I was doing so well! hahaha, ohkay beatingmyselfup time over. I'm still doing well with no binging tho,…
  • Thank you everyone for your words of welcome :). This week has been great, getting to know myself and my eating habits, learning how to use MFP, reading peoples inspiring stories. It's been fun! and hi Cuz! yay - soOOoo glad you joined up, and we can carry on after you've had baby too :). I will be here supporting you all…
  • "So how was your day??? Did you have a moment where you changed your "mentality" like I did? Did you have another high moment? Please share:smile: Question for you: Do you ever feel like weight and food are constantly on your mind? I'm the type of person who is like this. I look at everyone who walks by and think "I wish I…
  • THAT is so amazing! and very inspiring, not indulgent at all! Your friends are correct, you look fantastic. Yet the skinny jeans look a bit baggy on you, you may need to go skinny jean shopping as well! Thanks for sharing :) I hope to post something like you have, in a few months time... wish me luck! :wink:
  • hi ya - i'm only a week old member here, so I don't have much advice to give. Only encouragement: 50lbs is an AWESOME achievement, and I hope you gave yourself a big pat on the back for that achievement. Also - you could start mini goals? I've noticed some ladies have put in weekly or bi-weekly goals of so many lb's to be…