

  • Medusae LOL! They are quite a hard one to start with actually. I have mastered them now (I'm nearly finished stage 1) and I now embrace the prone jackknife wholeheartedly. The first time I tried them I went to a quiet corner of the gym incase I made a complete fool of myself and bounced off the ball onto the floor, and I…
  • I was wondering this too. The way I understand it is when I do my last workout of stage 1 (woop woop!) I will have a rest day like normal and the next day I will go to the gym and do Special Workout A or B depending on what workout I finished with. So if my last workout was Workout A then I will do Special Workout B next…
  • LOL! I bet you are so chuffed. I haven't done a bent knee push up since I started the programme, (I had been doing them before at home) just the different degree ones. Last night I spontaneously decided to try a 'real deal' push up at home and managed about 3 real ones haha! Still not getting my chest right to the floor…
  • No it won't be an issue alm. Its really really hard for women to 'bulk up' due to our lack of testosterone. After a workout you may look and feel like you've bulked up a bit but its most certainly temporary and will disappear.
  • Hi! I just found this thread as I only joined MFP yesterday. Its a Godsend for working out the 40/30/30 meal plan recommended in NROLW and its nice to touch base with other people who are interested in lifting. I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I done workout 6 of workout B yesterday in Stage 1 and I'm loving it. Can't wait to…
  • I say go for it and just do what you can. Thats what Jillian says in the DVDs anyway. Just do your best. Things like burpees you won't be able to do straight away (I find them so hard and I'm not overweight) but theres always alternatives shown for each exercise. I'm sure Jillian uses some of the moves in the 30 day shred…
  • Michelle I suppose its a personal thing but it probably wouldn't do any harm to have a few days break in between the two DVDs so that your body can recover seeing as you use weights in the workouts. It depends really how you feel in yourself. If you are increasing your weights when doing the weights part of the workouts…
  • Glasgow, Scotland :happy:
  • Hi I have both DVDs. I got 30 day shred first and then ordered Ripped in 30 when that came out. They're both brilliant. Having used both I would recommend that you start with the 30 day shred. If you're already quite fit due to your running you might find level 1 of 30 day shred too easy, I did, and may want to move…