

  • Hi Thanks for all your continued support, I no longer feel like a 'newie'. Plantpot - Thanks for being my first blogging friend. Karen - Hope you managed to make that Lasagna Kendrafallon - Hi to you too. Well I feel like I am on the road to my goals, although the swimming I have been doing has given me a cold and my ankle…
  • Hi Karen Its a pleasure - it takes a while and I used 2 cans tomatoes and used the long thin blade on a cheese grater to make the courgettes into thin strips - watch you fingers mind! Heres the link http://www.channel4.com/food/recipes/healthy/cook-yourself-thin/light-but-luxurious-lasagne-recipe_p_1.html The kids are…
  • Hi Thank you for all your words of support - its good to know I'm not the only one with weaknesses whilst trying to loose at the same time! I got eggs (choccie) and I'm allowing myself a bit everyday but with (as Paul put it very wel!l - I'll remember that one) control. Plant pot Meatballs & Spagetti sounds yummy - I have…
  • Hi everyone Feel a bit our of my depth - never blogged before (don't have facebook or twitter), haven't put a piccie on or filled in my personal info so hopefully you won't think me weird. Everyone on this blogs seems good fun, so I hope you don't mind my bit of blurb. I'm 43 and over the past 2 years my weight has slowly…
  • Hi Good on ya for taking a step in the right direction. I'm new and I think this site is really good too. :smile: Its got me doing more exercise than I've done in years - how about you?