

  • Cardio twice a day sounds like quite a lot keepinup, it’s important to give your body a couple of rest days each week, after doing cardio your body will continue to burn calories for up to 24hours afterwards and with that level of exercise you may not be eating enough try supplementing your diet with a good protein shake…
  • And don’t forget that at certain times of the month your body will retain liquid and if your obsessively weighing your self you will be heavier during these times even if you have lost body fat, so if your going to do a weigh in it’s best to be done just once a month around the same time. I weighed in a few weeks ago, I…
  • Well I think your right about getting rid of the scales, the problem with being fixated with your weight is that if you are exercising and building muscle, your weight won’t go down but you will lose inches, as muscle weighs more than fat!! In the past I’ve gone down a whole clothes size but not lost a pound on the scales.…
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