

  • :drinker: I'd love to participate and contribute now that I'm back online!!
  • Bump...for now. Thanks for the post, this is a great idea! After my 10 lb loss, I plan to add to the collection. Great job, guys!
  • I'm not sure of the numbers, but way too much protein can cause bone density loss, and this was a major concern among doctors during the Atkin's diet craze. The extra protein can't be used and broken down, and the only way the body can get rid of it is by using calcium to carry it out in your urine. This can lead to a…
  • I will definitely be your friend! And I know everything about nothing.
  • You also worked so hard to achieve something that came so easily to her, and now she's not only the bigger of you two but she can't feel the same pride you have. I had the same problem when I was 13. I used to be the "Skinny friend" and my heavier friend lost weight and I was no longer the only skinny one. My weight (at…
  • I stick to artists who make a lot of club dance music, like Nicki Minaj, Kesha, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Black Eyed Peas, Jason Derulo, etc.
  • Me too, but not as bad as your situation, I have about 40 minutes before I have to get to a toilet. I actually break my runs into two separate runs so I can get more running in the day but it's a hassle sometimes to motivate myself to go for the 2nd run.
  • I'm 5'8" and my goal is 140 lbs. I was that weight before and it suited me, but if I get to a healthy weight again at all I'll be happy, even if it is higher or lower than my goal.
  • Amazing!! What a lucky family you have! Good work!
  • I have plenty of gears ground down as a result of children (mine included) and parenting them. I'll spare the space here of listing them all. My personal crusade deals with males (of a reasonable age) who pee all over the toilet seat.:grumble: I'm aware that hitting a target from a distance is harder than peeing at point…
  • Yes!! I agree. Honestly, I would buy them if they weren't 40 freakin' dollars! For that money, I would just get actual jeans or get 2 pairs of really awesome pajama pants and rock those at the grocery store.
  • I have the same problem! I've really come far with my addiction to sugar (and with me it was a full blown addiction) but I still feel I eat too much and it's only sugar that beckons me. I love fruit but it's not the same. I avoid artificial sweeteners because they are packed with crap chemicals like chlorine (I don't like…
  • I usually just have a banana beforehand. I hate eating first thing in the morning but a piece of fruit is something I can manage to get down without feeling too full right away, and without eating anything at all I always end up getting dizzy 10 minutes into my jog. I eat again after, using the meal for protein and complex…
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: and a high five!
  • :laugh: At least here we can scroll through nonsense, we can't scroll on the radio. We can scroll through channels but then we get the same damn thing on every other station.:grumble: And I'm neutral on the subject, because some sig pics are awesome (old timey head banger chic, disgruntled panda and pole dancin' bunny,…
  • If you are talking about the post that says "I'm a pseudo-vegetarian", then you may want to look up the meaning of the prefix "pseudo-":huh: . I agree with your position, but your pettiness is rude and revolting.
  • I'm almost veggie, meaning that I'm working back into a meat-free diet gradually instead of giving up meat straight like I have before. When I did, I felt sick for 2 weeks straight because I didn't know what I was doing to myself - my body was shocked. Then I felt the best I had until then (and have since), having given up…
  • At my boyfriend's apartment when we started dating over 2 years ago. I chose it as my profile because the weight I am in the picture is close to my goal weight and I'm hoping for a similar "after" pic to post in a "success stories" post one day.
  • Not at all, so long as the person wasn't grabbing a boob or something equally violating. I would appreciate it:smokin:
  • Also, vanity sizing irritates me. I don't care about the size number, I care how big my butt is, no matter how it is labeled. Some brands' size 16 are sooooo tight and some other brands' size 12 fall off!:huh: Then, you also have the stretch denim and materials that never quite want to go back to their original size, so…
  • I base my goal on weight but keep track of inches and I'm more concerned with getting to a healthy, toned weight than reach a particular size. Last time I was at my goal weight (140 lbs, healthy for my frame/height), I had just lost 30 lbs because I had mono. I was thin because I was seriously lacking muscle, and an…
  • Awww! Wow, sounds like you guys have great timing:smile:
  • Total high five. :smile:
  • Ha! Stiletto fate :laugh: I met him in college; he was my professor. We remained professional while I was his student and started dating after I knew I wouldn't have him as a prof again, though I was still a student at the school (which is a technical college, it's not a university). We weren't breaking any written rules…
  • It's amazing how physically fit derby girls are, no matter what their size! And the bigger girls make great blockers, though I've seen girls of any size fit all the positions. As far as fitness is concerned, it's endurance and core strength which create a derby player, even when carrying extra weight with it.
  • I never have and the main reason is because I wear a regular bra with it and it shows from underneath the sport bra (I have a 38 f bra size). I also have a big floppy belly not unlike the one you mentioned, but if wearing just the sport bra keeps you from heatstroke and makes it easier for you to work out, then I'm not…
  • Mmmm, looks great! Thanks!
  • Don't worry about too much fruit. It's a natural unprocessed source of nutrition without added sugar. That being said, don't forget your vegetables! They are just as important and do not contain as much sugar in any form. They are also easy to sneak into other foods if you don't like the salad approach. And cydonian has a…