

  • Carbs=Pasta, rice, cereal,corn, peas,pancakes, potatoes, and pretty much all the junk food like cake, ice cream, cookies.
    in Low Carb Comment by Loriea April 2010
  • Great job. Keep coming here to find tips and motivation. I love the picture of the lady shooting the scale. I for one don't really care what it says I just need the love handles to be gone and my jeans to fit.
  • I did this program as well and was in the best shape of my life-lost 30 lbs...however just like everyone else I fell off the wagon and had a baby...put it all back on. I am doing the diet part now and doing p90x for the workouts just because it's hard for me to get to the gym. I think the hardest part for me is the…
  • I am starting P90X tomorrow as well. I spent the last week doing research and getting supplies. good luck
    in P90x Comment by Loriea April 2010
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