

  • What about a smoothie instead of juice? Some frozen fruit, splash of milk/non-dairy milk (whichever you prefer) or yogurt. Smoothies always fill me up like crazy.
  • Is that all you're having for breakfast? Provided it's one serving, it's only 120-150 calories for breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day - I don't know if you snack in the early/late morning or just wait until lunch, but I say you should up the calories. Maybe some kind of protein bar or breakfast bar?
  • I'm in the process of doing it - I think giving it up cold turkey can work for some people, but for me it didn't. I used to drink 2-3 a day, so I weaned myself to 1 a day, then 1 every other day, now I have one maybe once a week or once every two weeks. I started drinking black tea w/lemon and agave nectar, more water (I…
  • Thanks! I'll have to read through all of that tonight.
  • Yeah, actually I remember when Bob and Jillian showed them how to make turkey burgers and oatmeal, so I imagine they do cook for themselves. I think essentially what the show does is it teaches people who have NO clue about nutrition and fitness how to incorporate it into their lifestyle. Like, look, you can still have a…
  • Read this: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/18/fashion/18Loser.html?_r=1&ex=1193371200&en=9d97ef9acfecc9d4&ei=5043&partner=EXCITE&oref=slogin
  • They work out like 8-10 hours a day (I don't know if it's really THAT often, but I know it's up there) and have personal chefs preparing healthy, low-cal meals for them. They also have no access to tv, internet, etc. While I watch the show, the program isn't realistic for normal everyday people.
  • It's very strange. Do you ever eat anything else by Morningstar Farms? Veggie burgers or anything? Cause if something else of theirs makes you sick, then I'd say it's possibly just the processed foods. I stopped eating the crumbles because I realized buying TVP was a much cheaper solution, but I've never gotten sick.…
  • Bake your tofu in marinade of choice. Drain your tomatoes and put on baking sheet, lightly spray with olive oil & add seasonings (garlic salt, italian seasoning, etc.) Saute your veggies in a small amount of veg broth and cook your cous cous (separately, of course). Once everything is done, combine it all.
  • Is it possible he could have a soy and/or gluten intolerance/allergy?
  • Have you checked out Dotti's Weight Loss Zone (http://www.dwlz.) - she does WW points and calorie counts for many restaurants. She often breaks things down by separate items (i.e. sour cream, cheese, etc.) - I check for a restaurant before going out to eat.
  • This is called The Master Cleanse. I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking the concoction every once in awhile, but I personally don't feel that cleanses would be healthy or beneficial for your health. As far as the maple syrup goes, 2 tbsp is going to put you at 24 sugar grams.
  • Make your own oatmeal. I would steer clear of the packets because they contain so much sugar. Make your own with rolled or steel cut oats cooked in water, then throw in whatever you like. I like doing a combo of ground flax, bananas, a nut butter and some nuts on top. Lots of healthy fats and fiber to keep me full til 1 or…
  • Breakfast: "Almond Joy" oatmeal - 1/2 c oats soaked in 1c of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 tbsp Hershey's dark cocoa powder, 1 tbsp shredded coconut, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 small banana, 1 tsp of agave nectar, a few slivered almonds - my biggest meal of the day and it keeps me full for so long! Snack: nectarine…
  • I find that I stay on track with healthy eating when I spend one day prepping my meals ahead of time and freezing them. Example: I made spicy lentils and brown rice and have 4 servings in containers in the freezer ready to take to work. I generally shop for produce on Saturday, come home, wash it and prep it (destem…
  • This looks really great!
  • I don't really know when the hoopla started regarding it - I started avoiding it about 2 years ago when I started to REALLY break down food labels. If I didn't know what something was, I didn't want to eat it. I started googling ingredients. I also started avoiding sugars due to insulin resistance, but at the same time, I…
  • Clean eating is focusing on whole foods and avoiding high fat refined and processed junk. Veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean protein. Lots of water, no alcohol, no sugar, etc. Clean Eating magazine is really great. Stop at your local bookstore to read a little bit and buy it if you're interested. They also have a sample…
  • Kashi frozen meals - the Ranchero Beans is soo good! I don't really do frozen meals - I prefer fresh - but these are great when you're on your way to work and realize you've left your lunch on the kitchen counter at home.
  • That's great! I'm sorry if my post came off as sounding snarky - I just get asked a lot if I am vegan because of "Skinny B!@#$*" and no, I am not. I have read it and I have my own thoughts about the book but I won't bring those to the table here. On one hand, I think it's great that someone was trying to bring veganism to…
  • Oh, another note about tofu: you will need to press it first. Buy extra-firm tofu, wrap it in paper towels or a kitchen towel, place it on a cutting board wrapped up and top it with a bowl full of heavy canned items or a big big book (dictionaries are great for this!). Leave it pressed for about 30 minutes. When it's done,…
  • Please don't take this the wrong way, but "Skinny *****" is a false representative of veganism/vegetarianism. I have been a lifelong vegetarian and I went vegan 9 months ago and guess what? Still fat. I just want to clear up that you are doing it for your health and/or ethical reasons and not solely to lose weight. It…