

  • I don't have any suggestions, but I must say you are not alone. Just tonight I was talking to my neighbor who was laid off Tues, for the second time... I don't know if you are apart of a church, but most churches you are members of have programs for people who need some assistance while trying to get back on their feet.…
  • Hey Tookie, I am in my 7th week of P90X...which is also a Tony Horton program, and I absolutely love it... The scale has not moved all that much 7lbs, but I went and bought a size 10 jeans today after wearing I dropped that much inches in 7 weeks. I haven't fit into anything like this since I met my husband 7…
  • Sounds great!!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Canola oil is also a good substitue for vegetable oil.