dan15 Member


  • Having muscle tone in that area will make it appear more firm. That being said, overall muscle mass in your body will increase your overall metabolism - burning fat that is deposited everywhere from around your organs to around your arms. There is no such thing as spot reduction- i.e. doing a million sit-ups to get rid of…
  • If you eat your exercise calories, you will probably also feel more energised and get more from your workouts! :)
  • Hi Candice, I like fruit -especially Ya Pears aka applepears aka chinese pears are only 50 calories each, crisp, juicy and sweet. I love them chilled. OR Ryvita crispbread, rice cakes, carrots and hummous, 2oz chicken breast ...If you have almost met your calorie goal for the day there is also sugar-free Jello or drink…
  • Hi Laura, I used to be a personal trainer and have had diet advice from both personal trainers with PhD's in the matter (before I was one) and naturopaths (who turn to diet first to address health problems). So my advice is as follows: I wouldn't stress too much- I suppose it depends what you mean by "way over" in sugar. I…