

  • Here are my results for Fit Test #2. Switch Kicks: 44---66 Power Jacks: 46---63 Power Knees: 75----95 Power Jumps: 22---30 Globe Jumps: 7----9 Suicide Jumps: 11---15 Push up Jacks: 9----20 Low Plank Oblique: 45----50 On top of that I've lost almost 10 lbs! :wink:
  • I also have trouble with push-ups (i hate walking push ups). I have weak arms lol But I usually do as many as I can then move to my knees. Each time I do the push-ups I gradually can do more and more the regular way. Maybe you should try to do that?
  • I started on Feb 28!! Here are my results from the fit test Switch Kicks: 44 Power Jacks: 46 Power Knees: 75 Power Jumps: 22 Globe Jumps: 7 Suicide Jumps: 11 Push-Up Jacks: 9 Low Plank oblique: 45 Even though i've only been doing it for 1 weeks, I've lost 6 pounds and a total of 3.5 inches around my waist and hips! Time to…