

  • I think this is just what I need to get me motivated. I am Melissa I have 3 kids 10yrs, 6yrs and an 11 mth old. By Christmas I should have already met my goal weight. So my goal will be to have reached my goal weight, maintained my goal weight and to be making progress on toning my body back up. Good luck everyone :)
  • I think its great for people to love themselves no matter what they look like but yea I think anyone over weight should try to lose weight. NOT necessarily to be "skinny" just for health reasons. Just because problems haven't happened yet dont mean it wont. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes run in my…
  • Greta Catherine Good luck :)
  • I cant lie. I tell all over myself. I cant look anyone in the eye or keep a straight face while lying. My son is the same way. Now my exhusband can lie and not even blink, the only reason I could catch him in a lie was because he would tell so many lies he couldnt keep his story straight. Finally just got it in my head…
  • I am 5'4. Actually rounding up a little ;) I am 135 right now but want to get back down to 120 -125. I am actually a little less concerned with my weight as long as I can get back in to my pre preg jeans. I was pretty toned before I got preg with my daughter but after not be able to do much of anything and having a long…