atom11220 Member


  • I can feel you when it comes to dealing with your "friends." Sometimes friends are not true. On the other hand, you have to remember many of your friends and even family will not be able to cheer you on or give you advice, because they cannot. When I lost the weight, it was largely on my own. It was not because my friends…
  • Yeah, I do not think messing with your health is something to be taken lightly. I also have a clinic on campus that gives basic services for free. At least go to the clinic to get some preliminary check up. Dude, also not catching your breath is a serious symptom telling you there is something wrong with your body.
  • Hey, Don't be discouraged. It takes time. What type of exercise are you doing? You should definitely notice a difference. Try taking pictures at least once a month. I never noticed the difference when I lost twenty pounds until I had taken a picture before and after. The difference is incredible. Weight loss should be a…
  • Wow congratz! You have quite the motivation. It is people like you that make me continue my exercise program. However, I do not think I will ever become vegan, lol. How did you take out all the meat?
  • Yoga X done....done...done!!!!!
  • Wow you had quite some day on June 10! Did you pick it up from Yoga? It is always hard to pick up again. I try not to let myself miss more than two days. I have days like that all the time. I try to do my exercise as early as possible so I can feel happy for the rest of my day. By the way, I have not posted on here since I…
  • Kenpo X done....cup of milk (no recovery!
  • I, myself, do not follow their food plan. I do not purchase their food products, but that is only because I do not have the funds to purchase them. I do follow a a basic food plan that mirrors their plan. Btw, Yoga X today!
  • Shoulders and Arms TONIGHT! I was sidetracked by a wedding yesterday!
  • That's fine...everyone had their bad days....I just completed my second day. You just have to make sure that the rests do not elongate. I allow myself AT MAX, two days. It's funny how your muscles do not seem to function as well when you have not strength trained for some time. I could not do half as much as I did before.…
  • BlackBeltBound: Wow ur kidding....I am a week behind you. I just restarted. I did Chest and Back yesterday (technically). I am going to do Plyo today. Do the recovery drinks really work like that? Lol. Thanx Doctorcb for the support! I believe we are trying our best! Hey KDuckGirl, I think it would be great to have your…
  • Honestly, BlackBeltBound, that is fine with me. The criteria I set I guess was to try to have people who experience very similar struggles. I am willing to do it! Cedes123, I am very excited that you have joined me too! Did you start already? How far are you guys from your weight goal? My worst struggle right now is with…