tcdouglas Member


  • I am in Texas as well and have united healthcare and had no problem getting approval... It actually was very quick (about a week or so) and the insurance company did not have any pre-requisites before approval...
  • So I sort of came up with a solution for myself. Since I have to only worry about feeding myself (no husband or kids), I ordered some prepacked meats (they were on sale) that I can keep in the freezer and just pull out one at a time since they are individually wrapped. So for example the sausages are 3oz and like 18grams…
  • I ordered the celebrate sample pack for $3 and it came with a sample of I think every WLS supplement they make as well as a sample of their chocolate protein shake and two of their protein bars. I have not tried the protein bars yet as I am still on soft foods but it's an inexpensive way to them.
  • I'm not even a full 2 weeks posts op and I can't stomach the protein shakes right now so I ordered the unflavored protein today to try that in different beverages,etc to see how I do with that... I'm with you, I am open to suggestions as well.
  • I had my sleeve done yesterday so I can't say much on the post-op hunger. To be honest I am having a hard enough time taking in fluids. I will say this though. My roommate picked me up from the hospital and on the way home said she was hungry and she stopped at taco cabana and ate her tacos in the car. Funniest thing was…
  • Thanks for all your kind words... 1st day post-op. Got home about 4 hours ago... Took a nap and got up and walked... Still having a hard time getting fluids down. I'm worried I won't be able to take n enough... I brought six of the isopure drinks since they are thin and have 40g of protein per bottle but can't get much of…
  • Thanks everybody.... Went well. Only problem is this darn shoulder pain but I'll live... I was actual laying there earlier when I typed this just wanting to get it done and over with. I'm not really a modest person so I wasn't worried about them seeinge naked... Only thing I said to the anesthesiologist was make sure I…
  • I am scheduled for tomorrow (8/11/14)... more excited than nervous but really wondering what the first couple of weeks will be like?