

  • amazing results!!! your hard work really shows!
  • i'm also having photobucket issues.....
  • Another vote for Silver jeans! :)
    in Jeans Comment by aleesh_mom August 2011
  • sorry! They are coming out giant and i can't figure this out..... :( Trying to collage them.... Top three pictures: December, 2008--205(ish) lbs, the night I gave birth to my son. (I'm in the blue) May, 2009: 5 months post partum November 2009: Start of getting in shape again…
  • December, 2008--205(ish) lbs, the night I gave birth to my son. (I'm in the blue) May, 2009: 5 months post partum November 2009: Start of getting in shape again Made it (138.8 lbs)! Having another baby....this was from February, 2011...32 weeks pregnant: 3 months postpartum, Early August, 2011 (164 lbs): Today (157 lbs):…
  • Hi everyone! I just started Insanity this morning after getting back from vacation Saturday. (I've done one round a bit over a year ago and then got pregnant and couldn't jump in again until now.) I searched to see if there was anyone else doing it and stumbled onto your group. Although I'm two weeks behind I wanna share…
  • Hi, Mamas!!!!! I'm glad I found you! I'm Aleesh_Mom on DS, and I think I'll be using MFP to check in and stay accountable for these next few months. I started C25K yesterday, counting calories, doing yoga...BF'ing my daughter... I'm also going to be starting a "30 by 30" thread to lose 30 lbs. by my little sister's 30th…