stripeyrache Member


  • My walk from the station to work is about 8 mins. I walk it at 3-3.5MPH and feel that my heart rate does go up, so I log it. If I don't get a bit hot, I don't log. That's my general rule.
  • This is the most stupid thing I have ever read! Don't do this. You'll do yourself much more harm than good. I know you want to lose quickly, but if you're worried about loose skin, then it's going to have to be a slow and steady weight loss.
  • I've suffered quite badly with depression for a long time to can empathise with how you're feeling. Firstly, I don't keep tempting foods in the house. If you like warm buttery toast, could you perhaps get yourself one of those diet breads (like Nimble, or Warbutons do a loaf where the slices are smaller) and some marg?…
  • I fractured my ankle last September which was about 4 months before my wedding, so just about the worst timing ever! I watched everything I ate, bulked out my main meals with vegetables and snacked on fruit. Can you swim? I was able to go swimming instead of my usual aerobics so managed to keep a little bit active. I'm not…
  • I have a 30L BiOrb which is currently housing a single amano shrimp! The last of my cardinal tetras passed last week and I'm thinking of just going for platys now. Will probably need to cycle the tank beforehand so the shrimp may have to go on a little holiday to my friends house! I do love my tank though and when it's…