

  • I just can't bring myself to read these books, maybe it's because of it's origins, I really couldn't stand the Twilight Series, to me Grey sounds like it's getting the same response theTwilight Series did as you either love it or hate it. Do you think I should give it a chance? I am really open minded when it comes to…
  • Hi, my name is Beckie, I am 33 and have been wanting to try pole fitness for YEARS but alway felt like I was too fat so I told myself as an award I will join a Pole Fitness gym when I reach my half-way weight loss goal. So I tried running and decided nope not for me pole is the way to go, so I joined and just complete my…
  • I love both! I was hesitant at first to get an e-reader but I gave in and got a Kindle and I love it. When I want a feel of a real book in my hands I go to the library and pick a couple up that way I am saving money and space in my house, also I just discovered that my library lends out e-reader books so I have been doing…
  • Hi my name is Beckie, glad to find a corner for people who love to read. I will pretty much read anything...except for writers I find pretentious. I love all kinds of books...I am not really into Sci Fi/Fantasy until I picked up Game of Thrones and love it, I am currently on Storm of Swords but am trying to read it too…