

  • Absolutely ridiculous! People can't lose weight because they are eating highly processed foods, refined sugar (cookies, pastries, sugary cereals, sodas, etc.), too much meat and not enough of the right foods. If you stick to a natural whole foods diet consisting of fruit, veggies, whole will lose weight. I can…
  • 5' 2", 90lbs, vegan. :happy: I eat TONS of fruits and veggies!
  • I mentioned I lost 10 pounds effortlessly just by cutting out all animal products. It is truly one of the best things you can do for your body. Think of all the hormones, antibiotics, toxins, etc. that you have been consuming through animal products. Once you cleanse your body of those chemicals it makes it so much easier…
  • People's obsession with protein is ridiculous! Protein, protein, protein,...where am I going to get my protein if I don't eat meat? Maybe one day people will begin to realize the negative effects of consuming a diet full of rotting flesh and milk from animals. There are other (better) sources of protein and calcium.
  • FOR YOU MILK DRINKERS: No other species drinks the milk of another species. Drinking the milk of another mammal may even cause osteoporosis- the very disease it is touted to prevent. "When we have babies, we breastfeed them, and then at a certain point, we stop," explain Skinny ***** authors Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.…
  • Just out of curiosity, what is your reason for wanting to cut out meat? From my personal experience, I was a vegetarian for about 10 years, I only consumed eggs and occasionally fish. This year I became a vegan, no meat, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, etc. I can honestly say it's been the best thing I've done for my health so…
  • I am a vegan. I eat lots of carbs, the healthy kind..oat bran, fruits, veggies, beans, and grains. I am able to maintain a low weight because I don't eat more than my body needs and I work out on a daily basis. Before I became a vegan, I was a vegetarian for many years, only consuming eggs and occassionally fish. I tried…