What are you eating? What's a typical day of meals for you on this new diet? That would help me recommend any changes. I find that I feel best if I carry small meals with me all day - whenever I get hungry I can eat. I pack my whole days meals, and eat them whenever I want, in whatever order I want. That way, if I need a…
I've been a vegan for 12 years and a fan of snacking for much longer! Hummus and veggies is a big snack food for me (I portion control by buying those itty bitty tupperware containers to put the hummus in, or use the hummus-to-go size at the grocery). I also like smoothie-milkshakes. I drop a banana and whatever berries I…
I've been a vegan for 12 years now. I've apparently been a vegan long enough to learn how to gain weight on a vegan diet! Now I'm remembering how to lose it too... :)