

  • Don't give up! Ive been there and felt that time and time again. My list of things holding me back was so big I knew I couldnt fight it. BUT you can try and prove yourself wrong. Or you can not try, and GUARANTEE yourself right.
  • last year i got in a 4wheeler wreck and completely cut my knee open. over 200 stitches and 2 months of therapy to walk again. the 30 day shred put me back in more pain than when i wrecked on that knee. id advise looking for another regimen... or at least working up to it SLOWLY
  • right now im not exercising i dont know what to do or how to do it. i feel like i need something new. idk.
  • No its definitely for me. Hes just my biggest motivation since hes so in shape. He dont want me to lose because of the unhealthy measure ive taken before. but (tmi alert) starting my period isnt helping i crave everything
  • thank you
    in New Goal Comment by KaceeDawn July 2011
  • no like i said shes NOT losing. and she complains to me that she dont know whhy. i think thats why but i dont know how to tell her politely i think she should cut back
  • thank you both. i knew there was no way these numbers were accurate.... and what scares me is i have a friend on here that "makes up" for the calories burned and she isnt losing. she complained to me that she wasnt losing. I think that shes eating too much cause her burned numbers are inaccurate. I tried to talk to her…
  • I was the same way. Strictly used my phone forever. Then I checked out the site. The tools are amazing on here!! Welcome =) and good luck in your journey