

  • You are totaly my inspiration! I would never even dream of wearing a bikini, much less taking a picture in one! I'm 51 and man, it is a ***** trying to get these lbs. off! I've lost 14 so far since April but I'm going to keep going. I'd love to lose 30 like you! But I still won't wear a bikini! Keep up the great…
  • I was always told a cardio workout would produce lactic acid which helps alleviate sore muscles. It won't take the soreness away, but you may recover quicker. If you can- do the bike a treadmill or elliptical. You'll be happy you burned the calories and it won't hurt you.
  • Thanks to everyone for the replies. I will call my cardiologist, though I think it's probably nothing. I may have been clenching without realizing it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
  • I had all the cartlege taken out of my right knee when I was 14 yrs old. As my orthopedist said "Back then they didn't leave anything in there becasue they didn't realize you might be needing some of it later!" So I've got complete bone-on-bone arthritis in that knee. The good news is, I'm 51 yrs old and I work out (try…
  • I found the same thing, specifically with the elliptical. The machine would post 500 calories burned and mfp gives me 585. The more you weigh, the more calories they give you as burned. I also put in I wanted to lose 2 lbs/ week and I was given 1200 calories/day. Let me tell you, when you don't work out, those 1200…