

  • Hi Barbara, I'm Helen and I live in the North East, so not far from you. In fact I was over in Penrith yesterday visiting family! Anyway, good luck with your weight loss. MyFitnessPal is great - I've managed to lose 8lbs so far and am not struggling with it at all. It means you can eat whatever you like, you just have to…
  • Hiya! Please do add me for sharing support. I have about two stone to lose too. I keep losing some then putting it back on so I definitely need help keeping on! Good luck x
  • Hi! I'm a relative newbie too and looking for support. Feel free to add me as well and we can help each other along!
  • Hi ladies! I'm a relative newbie too. I joined about two and a half months ago but was away for the whole of August. I managed to lose about 6lbs in my first couple of weeks but then my holiday put paid to my progress. I'm back with a vengeance now though and would really appreciate your support as well as giving mine in…
  • Hiya! I'm a relative newbie too as I'm just ten days in... and I've lost 5lbs already so I hope it works for you just as well as it does for me! Enjoy and add friends (me if you'd like) as it does help to keep in contact with other people. Helen x