

  • i have the bender ball and i find that it seems to really work my abs- i haven't used it for a while b/c i am just getting back into working out after surgery. it seems to make crunches much harder and it is a great tool to relax and stretch out your stomach on after a really hard workout. but... basic crunches will…
  • thanks everyone! i know that i can do this- continue to do this! congrats to all of you that are a little bit less of you! it's a great feeling!
  • hello, i am new to this fitness pal- i found it on someone's blog. i am really excited about this site- never heard of it... hoping that this will help me stay on track with how much i eat and all the help that i need to lose weight. living in tennessee working out about 4 days a week- walking/yoga/the firm stay at home…
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