I was going to say the same thing katheern said... you can definitely get the educational discount if you're in school. CS3 is not that different from CS5... and if you're just starting out, you'll be fine using CS3, in my opinion. Good luck!! :)
Thanks for the advice everyone... Looks like I will visit the local running store and let them tell me what I need!!
I thought about trying c25k because I just started running... Glad to hear you liked it!
LOVE this topic buddy!! I'm suprised you don't have some scary story from Jeff and Becky's house - isn't it haunted? Remeber our van trip and how you had me freaked out by someone being in the back? LOL
The same thing happens to me (with both feet) on the elliptical. I have no idea why though...
I have thyroid issues (I'm on Levothyroxine for it). I don't have any advice for losing weight with thyroid issues, but wanted to be included in this post in case anyone else has any advice. Good luck! :)
LOOOOVE DEXTER!!! Despite the weird character he plays in the series, I have the biggest crush on Michael Hall!!! ;)
Aww, I love horsey!!! We need to all go on a walk again soon!!! :)