

  • Hi Gwen - Congratulations on reaching your goal! I too am going to MRC. I have lost 56 lbs with 14 to go. I hope to be at my goal by the end of March. Right now they have me on the Meta-quick diet to jump start my weight loss (I took the Holiday's off....). Good luck with stabalization - I have no idea what that entails.
  • Hi! I'm 53 - a bit over 40! Looking for same support. I am back on MFP after many many months of neglect. I joined in 2011 and didn't keep up. I had success in 2012 after a health scare and am back looking for motivation from like minded women who struggle. I still have 25 lbs to go and really need that kick in the…
  • Thanks everyone for the positive enforcement - I'm only on day 2 but I'm liking it already! I hate getting on the scale - who doesn't? So I'm not sure how soon I'll get back on - it was a bit hard to post the weight to begin with. You never know - I may like this so much I'll put it on my Facebook!
  • Thank you DR - I am excercising - have been for nearly a year. I think that's why I am "glass half empty" because - though I feel better and more fit - I have only lost about 6 lbs. I know - better than gaining - but it's frustrating. I do think this site will help.