

  • Welcome! The site has really helped me as well! Helps one stay accountable for what you're putting in your body. Good luck and stick with it!! :)
  • Hi! Im on the program too! What is your daily intake like? I tried looking up your profile, but had some trouble locating. Did you try to do the nutrition plan? Its essentially just healthy choices and enough calories to burn fat and give you energy to work out.
  • Lol! I love that bit! I totally agree. Night girl wants to stay up late and workout and she has all this energy... who needs sleep right? Then morning girl is like, "what the heck is going on? Why didn't I go to bed earlier last night?" It's like two different people! I try not to eat too soon before I go to bed, because I…
  • Hey Dani41, I checked out that youtube video and it was quite insightful. Thanks for suggesting it!
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