

  • Skipped it this morning - but I WILL do it tonight. It was SO cold this morning that I didn't want to get out of bed any sooner than I had to. Since I'm starting Day 3 and I've done it before and know the moves, I think I'm going to 'mute' Jillian and blast some tunes instead - some of her comments drive me nuts such as…
  • Day2 is done! And surprisingly, I feel like I did better than yesterday! Made my husband do it this morning, who is buff (unlike myself), and he was sweating and breathing heavy - which for some reason made me feel better about the workout as a whole. lol. 2 down, 28 to go! Who already did their 'Day 2' today???
  • konswela - I got mine on Amazon awhile back but it's so popular now I bet you could get it almost anywhere... target, walmart, etc.
  • Day 1 Complete! Woot woot!
  • Awesome! I even just recruited my husband to join too. :smile: I know that I will have to do it every day if I'm going to make it. In the past, I've done 5-6 days and then when my day off comes, I never go back! But for everyone else, that has enough will-power to return after a day off :wink: how about 5 days on, 1 day…