jenf330 Member


  • If I have to miss a day, I typically try to double up somewhere else during the week with a cardio/strength combo workout. That way I don't miss anything and don't throw off the next week's schedule. Also, I don't do her cardio DVDs. I just do either 30 minutes of running or elliptical. I think it helps break up the…
  • That amused me too :) I've lost MAYBE 3 or 4 pounds TOTAL - and I'm in Week 11 - but I also went down a size, so I'll take that.
  • I've had the same experience and it is frustrating. Along with measuring, try taking pictures. I was nearly ready to give up in Week 8 until I looked at my pictures side by side.
  • JJordon - Thank you so much! That actually helps me a lot. I kept seeing things saying it was great for beginners and while I certainly don't think I'm advanced, I'm not a beginner either. I did P90X once a few years ago (too time intensive) and Insanity is too hard on my knees. But if this is around the same difficulty…
  • I'm in Week 10 and I haven't done a cardio DVD yet. I sub it with either the elliptical or running. I can't really say if that's helped or hurt me, but calorie burn is calorie burn. As far the plyo...yes, it absolutely increases in the strength DVDs in the later phases. I don't have foot problems, but I've had knee…
  • Thanks for the replies! I am feeling so much better today so I'm hoping I simply overexerted myself. It can be easy when Jillian is yelling "kick higher!!!" :sad: I'm back at it tonight with Workout 9 so I'll be sure to be careful and modify where I need to. It's just good to hear that others experienced this and were…
  • Just an opinion, but once you get your exercise hours per week settled I would only cut 10% since you are so close to your goal weight. Obviously with a 10% cut you have to be pretty accurate on your food logging. You can also do a tweener number between lightly and moderately active. [/quote] Good point :) I've been…
  • That is awesome! Question though. What did you set your activity level at? 1-3 hrs light or 3-5 hrs moderate? I'm also doing JMBR, and also have lost inches, but have bounced around the same 2 or 3 pounds for weeks. I have wised up and started eating more for the past 4 weeks, but no real changes (up or down) yet. I don't…
  • My motivation is a lot of the stuff mentioned here, but also one other silly thing that keeps me going. I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and it came with an exercise calendar that tells you which workouts to do on what days. When I started, I posted it on my fridge and began to cross them off as I completed them.…
  • I felt the same way, and yes, you'll feel that way every time you pop in a new workout for the first time :sad: It's just the way Jillian does it. You should seem some improvement by the third or fourth time through, but don't worry if you don't! I actually repeated a week of Workouts 5 & 6 because by the end of them I…
  • I wish I could answer your question, but I'm really just as curious as you. I'm in a similar boat. I have about 5-7 pounds to get to my goal, which isn't much but feels like an impossibility sometimes. How did the reset go for you? Did you gain/loose anything during that time? I never did a reset. I just slowly started…
  • Ugh, this is a little embarrassing, but here goes: I was getting really frustrated with the scale when I decided to take pictures to compare. I'm so glad I did! Big difference, even if the pounds aren't dropping off. Edit: Whoa...tried to resize. Edit 2: Even though these are the same yoga pants, I've dropped a size in my…
  • 1) There is no one single magic solution. 2) Becoming a temporary vegetarian will not make you skinny (even though the logic that most vegetarians are skinny was solid, yet flawed). 3) Going to two yoga classes a week will not make you skinny (even though yoga people can be pretty skinny. I know! it was worth a try). 4)…
  • Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not blaming them. I ate the cupcake. But I really don't like confrontation and even the most polite "thanks, but no thanks" would be met with resistance (thus, the previous secret throwing away of the cupcake). I could get angry and I'm sure they'd stop, but they'd also probably think…
  • Haha! Just had this problem today. For birthdays we always have a variety of cupcakes brought in from a local bakery. In the past, I've actually gone as far as to pick up a cupcake, claim I had to get back to work so I'd eat it at my desk, then toss it in the trash in my office. Yeah, I know that's pathetic. But the one…
  • A little bit of both :blushing: I never paid attention before because I was always within my limits, but yes, now I'm starting to notice just how much sugar they pack in Lean Cuisines, snack bars, and such. I suppose I should focus on getting my extra calories from whole foods. Thanks!
  • I've just started paying attention to macros and it's kind of frustrating. On top of that, I'm realizing that with eating more I'm consuming WAY too much sugar! Any one else have a problem reigning in sugar totals while eating more??
  • Whoa, those MFP settings seem intense. I don't even know how I could only eat 10% carbs! I'm trying to figure out how to get it down to 40%! Do you have the link to that spreadsheet? I'd be curious to see how different my numbers would be. My progress so far has been OK. I haven't lost that much weight, but luckily I took…
  • Alright, I got impatient and Googled it :) Apparently I'm a bad little Jillian Michaels student because I had never heard of her oxidizer test or what it meant. I took the test and it shows I'm a balanced oxidizer and should be doing…
  • I'm new to all this eating more stuff, but I've done a lot of reading up on it in the past couple of weeks. Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you should either eat TDEE-20% (or 15 or whatever you chose) OR you eat back your exercise calories, but not both. The point of TDEE-20% is that it takes…
  • Take pictures! I just finished up Week 6 of Body Revolution and lost very little weight (2-3 pounds) but the difference in the pictures is obvious. I've also had to buy new work pants, so I know it's working somewhere even if it isn't showing up on the scale.
  • I start Workout 7 on Monday - don't scare me!! LOL! I've definitely realized that I'm worse at the "front body" workouts than the "back body" ones. Something to improve upon! :)
  • I've been thinking about buying a food scale. Can anyone recommend a brand?
  • LOL! I went through the same thing with my scale! I just bought a Withings WiFi scale. My husband really likes gadgets so he talked me into this one. It automatically syncs with a smartphone app (and MFP!) to track your weight. The best part is - it's consistent and I don't have to fiddle with it to get it to work. It was…
  • Thank you! I didn't realize I was being so extreme before. I was eating ~1200 (my TDEE-20% is 1800) and NOT eating back any exercise calories, while working out 6 days a week. Of course I didn't do myself any favors because I kept losing and gaining the same 3 pounds. I'm going to try increasing gradually because that…
  • This is awesome news! When you switched to TDEE-20% a month ago, did you jump right to that number or did you increase gradually?
  • My question for those who did it and it worked, did you just suddenly start eating TDEE-20% or did you slowly work your way up? After eating 1200/cal a day for 6 weeks, I'm a little afraid to just jump it up to 1700 overnight. I ate 1400 last week and started 1500 yesterday. Is that the way to go? Did anyone do one of…
  • I'm starting Week 6 today with no sign of slowing down. I haven't lost a lot of weight yet, but I also just found out I wasn't eating enough calories for my activity level, so that could have something to do with it. I can definitely see some changes in my body though and I've started to get those "you look good, what are…
  • I'm starting Week 5 of JMBR today. I read a ton of reviews before I started the program and decided to adjust it for me. I heard that the cardio DVDs aren't very impressive and get boring, so I haven't done those. I do the 4 days of strength DVDs and then on cardio days I do my own and mix it up. I've found with it being…