

  • I love this idea!
  • Dude! I totally have this happen once in a while too! I was thinking I was weird. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this happens too. I was told it could be because I tie my shoes too tight (especially if they are new). I tried to loosen them up and it actually helped! Hope you figure yours out too! :)
  • Thanks! I am looking forward to getting my fitness on! :D
  • Yummmers. I love fish, especially BBQ'ed Ahi! I bake salmon and add it to my salads as well as prawns or scallops. Cedar plank salmon is delish too. I also love red snapper for fish tacos! You also might try Orange Roughy.
  • Ground chicken is yummy. I see it all over the place - Safeway, Albertsons, Whole Foods, Diablo Foods. Maybe it's just a Cali thing?
  • Maybe you're not eating enough calories at dinner? Dinner for me is a pretty big meal. I can eat a smaller breakfast and lunch but when it's dinner time...HELLO! haha It's time to eat! (healthy, of course) Maybe try eating more protein at dinner? I also have to have dessert after dinner. It's like the meal is not complete…