CUGranny04 Member


  • Wow! Wow! I mean really ... WOW !!! And congratulations. I am on a quest to lose 100lbs in about a year, but was kind of afraid I might be reaching too far. But here's the living proof !! It can most certainly be done the right way !!! Thanks for sharing your success. I am incredibly encouraged.
  • Hey Pitt Bull Mama, Thanks for commenting on my 5F post. We are all in this thing together !! I wish you all the best. I am sending you an invite to be my friend, so that we can continue to encourage one another. God bless you every day, Sharon in SC, aka CUGranny04
  • Hi BGabbart, To keep myself mentally / emotionally focused for this JOURNEY, I made myself a mini-poster ... just 8 1/2 x11 ... and used clip art and google images of things I really love or want to pursue in my 50's. Then I printed it out and taped it to the mirror in my bedroom so that I see it every morning. I am not a…