

  • i disagree with you. The weight of baby and the weight of products of conception (including necessary fat) should only equal about 20 to 27 pounds (for a single fetus). Anything you gain over that is extra fat that you will struggle to get off afterwards. Although doctors won't tell you this, they don't want you to gain…
  • Hi Annie.....focusing on anything other than the baby is very hard....new babies (kids in general) are all-consuming. That being said, actually writing down (on this site) EVERYTHING you put in your mouth is the best way to weight loss. Also, stop looking at your extra weight as "baby" weight.....it has nothing to do with…
  • Hi - I'm hypothyroid also but on medication to make my thyroid levels normal. I'm presuming you're on medication? If so, then being hypothyroid shouldn't be any barrier to weight loss. Your body should be functioning the same as someone who's got a normal thyroid. This site is perfect for losing weight. I've tried many…
  • Hi Terri....I'm Terri also and want to congratulate you on the very smart decision to lose weight before trying to have a baby. I'm an anesthetist and one thing we really dread is having to anesthetize obese pregnant women for their c-section. Obese women put themselves and their baby at great risk during the whole 9…
    in Hi Comment by terrimerry July 2011