MeganLeddy Member


  • Protein is the best thing you could eat before bed (says my gym trainer :) ) Because it gives your body something useful to "feed" off of while you are sleeping. It can burn protein better
  • Trust me, I was a smoker. And trust me again when I say working out and smoking don't mix!! AS I'm sure you know :) I really commited myself to working out and a whole lifestyle change. I tried not to focus on the fact that I was quitting smoking, as much as after I worked out, I couldn't justify having a smoke. Likewise,…
  • I've been working with a trainer one day a week and learning all sorts of new things about working out and weight lifting. I am not a runner myself, but an important thing he always talks about is doing intervals on the treadmill. For me, since I do more of a power walk, this means walking to extreme inclines and different…