

  • Thanks Frenchy ... it seems pretty daunting especially as I only have 1,200 cals per day. I did it before but this time its making me totally stressed - oh well, as we know, nothing ventured nothing gained. Once again, thanks for clearing that up for me:happy:
  • Hi there, I' ve just been on this site for a few weeks now and have come across your post as I was trying to find out in terms of exercise, how many calories do you believe one would burn dancing (proper) samba? I also dance salsa (Cuban) and Zumba 2/3 times a week. Many thanks
    in Zumba Comment by FatF2011 July 2011
  • Ladies, I am completely indebted to you - at least I know I'm not (as I dont feel) dehydrated for not drinking 'pure' water. MANY THANKS TO YOU ALL :-)