cwill86 Member


  • I'm 26 and hoping to meet people on here too of a similar age who can help with motivation and food ideas! I really love cooking and am happy to give any recipes/filling yummy food ideas to other foodies who hate dieting but want to eat healthily! Feel free to add me :D
  • Entering a race/run and doing it for charity is a great way of staying motivated. If you know people have sponsored you to complete a half marathon or a 10K run it helps you keep going with healthy eating and exercise as people are relying on you to raise that money! That's what I done to give up smoking and lose weight.…
  • Yup am getting to the stage where I will do anything to prevent writing the dreaded thesis! Am writing an exercise plan instead of writing for the rest of today! :laugh:
  • Wow lots of really different jobs :) I'm an ocean scientist - in my last year of PhD and struggling to stop myself procrastinating at work!
  • sunshinegirl2 I have been trying to calculate the exact same thing as I am a bridesmaid too in June and want to go from a 12 to an 8 -10 by then! I know that I went up a dress size by putting on about half a stone but I also stopped exercising... I think exercising + dieting changes the amount of weight you need to lose to…