

  • It is hard starting out, but not too frustrating. I knew i wouldn't be able to keep up with the people on the video right away so i am just doing as much as i can, and taking a break when i need to! Am still getting an excellent workout though!!!!
  • I gained my weight through a combination of lack of excercise due to work shcedules( was working different hours all the time, couldn't play organized sports the way i used to. I also am not very good with portion size when it comes to pasta and carbs. when i was younger and excercising all the time(organized sports, like…
  • Thanks everyone for the encouragement!!!! had to delay my fitness test to today as my lower back was a bit stiff yesterday and didn't want to start off not able to do my best. but after a bit of ice and heat, i feel ready to go again. ( I just recently started walking my two dogs again on a regular basis, Hour+ each day,…
  • Hi all, Am starting Insanity tommorrow ( doing my fit test today). Am a little bnervous in starting this but am excited to do it at the same. I am a 28 year old female, 5'4 and 155 lbs,( about a size 10/M-L) who was in good shape and then slowly became out of shape, do to work schedules, not playing organized sports…
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