AmyMcCranie Member


  • Have you tried Synthroid? When i was first diagnosed, a friend told me "make sure you get the name brand b/c the generic doesn't work for everyone". I researched it b/c I didn't want to pay the few extra dollars if it wasn't true. Sure enough, many women stated that they didn't feel any better while taking the generic.…
  • I am on Synthroid and occasionally feel heart flutters. I just assumed that they were heart palpitations. After having a slow metabolism for so long, i just thought it was my heart getting used to it again! I have been on Synthroid for about a year and just started feeling the flutters a couple of months ago. I've heard…
  • I am on week 4 of a P90X/TurboFire Hybrid and then I plan to do the Chalean Extreme/TurboFire Hybrid. I love all of these workouts. Beachbody is amazing. I would definitely recommend TurboFire b/c the intensity level is comparable to Insanity. There's more kickboxing to TurboFire than Insanity. It's different but…