

  • My dull answer: salad. Lots & lots of salad. I eat it a good 3-4x/week. For a few reasons. It's a great low calorie filler. & w/ the right amount of fluid, leaves me satiated for quite a while!. And also since we buy it by the bag, we have to go through it quick enough so it doesn't go bad on us!! But I add other veggies…
  • Hmm, based on the information provided (i.e. I can't see what you're eating), things sound about right. Also, patience is key. You may have already heard that it takes a ~3600 calorie loss to drop 1 pound. So as long your trending in the right direction, you should be good shape! I did want to add re: stationary bike. That…
  • Ah, why didn't I see this before, it just popped right out this time!! Thank you so much!!
  • The more the merrier, feel free to add me!
  • I'm totally up for that!! I've been sooo bored w/ weight lifting, I need a change of pace
  • LMAO!!!!!!!!! That's crazy funny!! Don't be too hard on yourself, eh?
  • Newport Beach?? Either way, welcome!!
  • I sure do!! This is my Bible: The G.I. Diet by Rick Gallup. Though I now count calories (he doesn't emphasize this, almost denounces it), Gallup provides some excellent pointers on some great high fiber foods. Very important to keep fluids up though or it won't work!
  • Not to blow up your message board, but I took a look @ your food diary. I would sooooo be starving too!!! I do like how you have 6 smaller meals split throughout your day! This should help w/ the cravings. I have to echo the replies of many other replies about incorporating more whole grains. I firmly believe in eating the…
  • I wouldn't force myself to wake up earlier just to eat. Whenever you do wake, try to eat within the 1st hour of waking, but do it when you're hungry. I understand that you've cut back on your fluids, but I try to get 1-2 glasses of water down when I wake. This gives my body an excellent start plus this adds volume to the…