

  • I can't give up my diet soda. I eat less when I drink it. Only thing I do know is that it makes you bloated! My stomach is visibly smaller if I don't have soda that day. Fo real!! So if I know Im going swimming or something, I'll try to stay away from the pop that day. Otherwise, it doesn't change my calorie intake so in…
    in Diet Coke?? Comment by jng039 April 2010
  • I think it's genius, really. I mean it counts your calories for you, and links you with people that have the same struggles as you! AWESOME!!!
  • And about calories in common foods.... you KNOW stuff is bad for you, but don't actually know till you find out EXACTLY what it contains. For example, did you know a Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha is worse than a McDonald's Quarter Pounder?!?! Crazy!
  • Hey! I am new and young as well! I like this site a lot. Definitely makes things easier!
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