amyinTX Member


  • Me! :) Growing up about an hour from the home of Blue Bell ice cream meant eating many of their flavors. I have actually tried the Southern Blackberry Cobbler and it is fantastic but would not be able to have it in my house now! They also had a flavor that was Georgia Peach Cobbler and it was to die for .. haven't seen it…
  • You can do this! I am new to this site but definitely not new to the struggles of losing weight. I too am at the heaviest I have ever been (non pregnancy weight) and am struggling also. You can definitely add me as I know how hard this is being a mom. Good luck! Amy
  • Hello everyone! I just joined MFP yesterday and I am trying to find my way around. In looking through posts I found this topic and thought it would be great to join in .. even though I still have a hard time admitting that I am now 40! ;) I live in a suburb of Houston and it is hard to be out and do things with my little…