

  • Hang in there!! Stay focused on your goal (losing weight/raising your daughter in a healthy lifestyle) and don't be discouraged by those around you. Just keep thinking about that baby girl and the kind of life you want for her. You can do it!!!!
  • I know several people that have been on the HCG diet and it has worked for them. While you are on it, you can only eat 500 calories a day and it is very restrictive as to what you can eat (you can only eat certain fruits, veggies and meats).
  • I try really hard to only have healthy in the house and to fix the same thing for all of us. I figure if healthy eating is important for me, then it has to be important for the rest of my family (girl, boy and husband). There has been a fussing along the way, but slowly I am winning them over to my side. :) I have noticed…
  • That's fantastic!!! Way to go!!
  • You can do it!!!!!! I know that's not very original - but that's what I say to encourage my friends. I have decided I think that this whole battle (I have over 100 lbs to lose) is truly mind over matter. Just keep reminding yourself that you have control over the food, the food does not control you. Wow! I sound like a…