spazmother0727 Member


  • That is AWESOME! Congrats! I hope to be 5 months clean some day. YOU GO, GIRL! :flowerforyou: Shari
  • I CAN NOT BELIEVE THESE SCHOOLS AND NOT LETTING A CHILD EAT WHEN THEY ARE ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT A CHILD NOT ALLOWED TO SKIP MEALS!!!!! This is the second story that I have head of a school making a child (or children) starve! How can they get away with that?! I would be more than happy to pay a huge bill for past lunches…
  • Good morning to all, I was thinking about mini meals. Do any of you do 6-8 mini meals per day or do you eat 3 square meals per day? If you do eat mini meals, how to you work it in your daily schedule along with work and so on? I am very curious about mini meals. How does it work for you? Is it hard to start? Have you…
  • Yes, this person is on a power trip. Her head is so big I am sure he has a hard time getting through the door. I have had a boss like that... She made my life hell, she got a few people fired because she did not like them... She was a back stabber, social climber, that is how she got that position. She wanted all her…
  • Thank you! I appreciate your words and suggestions. You are all right on the dollar when you say that tomorrow is a new day and just because you slipped does not mean that it is all over. I do know that food is my crutch for my feelings and problems. I do know that food will not cure my problems, just add to them. I have…
  • You are not alone. I binge eat when I am stressed out. I need to find a healthier outlet for my anger, frustration and just painful thoughts of what ever it is that is upsetting me.... I binged like crazy last night over a fight about money with my boyfriend.... I have been trying to learn how to knit. I thought that…
  • I was wondering about tea as well. I personally do count it, but still thought that maybe I was not supposed to. I think I will not add that as water intake.... If it is, then it is just bonus water. :wink:
  • Hi all, I just binged for the first time in a while :embarassed: .... I had to admit my horror and face my fault. In the middle of your successful weight loss, have any of you binged? How did you cope? Did you dust yourself off and get back on the tracks after that horrible derailment? Or have you not binged at all? I had…
  • You all are AWESOME! I have been such a BABY for so long that I forgot what it is like to be an adult.... Sad, but being honest with you all. :cry: You are all right and I really appreciate your words of wisdom. I do need to trust myself and give myself a chance. I need to like myself again, instead of treating myself like…
  • Howdy all! I am on a diet slump. I do not have the confidence in myself like I did 8 years ago. I lost faith in myself. I have lost weight before in the past, it was pretty easy back then. Why am not letting it be easy for myself again? Have any of you gone through a diet slump during your success and how did you deal with…
  • You look beautiful! You look healthy and happy! Be very proud of yourself and enjoy you. Hugs and congrats! Shari
  • Hi there, I would love to get on Chantix, but my doctor refused to prescribe it because it can cause suicide... My co-worker said that it is so rare (her sister is a pharmacist and told her that). I have not smoked in 2-3 days due the bronchitis (smokers illness), TMJ pain and infected tooth. I figured why not try again.…
  • I thought you kind of looked like that lady as well. Brook Smith... She was the kidnapped victim on The Silence of the Lamb... And yes, your eyes are prettier very bright and very blue. Lucky girl.
  • Hi there! Welcome! I agree with you this is the easiest site that I have found as well and it is FREE! It's a bonus. I wanted something that was like Weight Watchers online, but did not cost so much. Mike did a wonderful job with this site, it pretty much counts the calories for you! I understand that it is a struggle. I…
  • Howdy all, If you can help me I would be so thankful. I have a very infected tooth and bronchitis. I thought that this would be a perfect time to quit smoking. I am sure they will pull my tooth and would have to quit anyway. I have my cravings, but trying hard to fight the temptation. The last time I quit smoking was when…
  • I understand how you feel. I have had TMJ pain, an infected tooth and bronchitis. I have not eaten much. I have only ate mashed potatoes, baby food, cottage cheese, yogurt and naughty ice cream (which puts me in a lot of pain. I have lost nearly 10 pounds and am afraid that I will gain the weight back. I have tried to eat…
  • Hi everyone, Thank you so very much for your response! I appreciate your helpful words. I have set a date to start, on October 11. But, I feel that it is healthy to get signed up and get some helpful advise from nice people like you. Our house is very small. We are trying to find ways to make room. If we have enough room I…
  • Hi there, I am very new to this website. I am very excited to get healthy again. I am up and down with the scale. But, for the last 3 years it has been more up than down. I need advise, the more the better! I am excited to use this site. I am nervous about this diet, I am afraid I will fail. I used to loose weight very…