

  • It looks like the site has a lot to offer, so it will be fun figuring it all out--just downloaded it to my blackberry, so will see how that goes! have a Great Day!
  • sure! My friend sent this link to me this morning and already I am getting excited---just maybe I can get some motivation! So i challenge you to do some sort of exercise today---and I will too! My goal is 30 minutes either walking or going to the gym if it is too hot! I already blew my food day--but I am resolving to not…
  • just started today--was diagnosed as being diabetic 4 years ago. At first I did so well--my Dr was so proud of me, I lost 70 pounds by following teh diabetic diet I got from my mom--which I still swear by and would be willing to share with you if you want. Then I got skinnier, started dating someone who had no concept of a…