

  • welcome!
  • try not to weigh yourself too often. I did that for a while and it only fustrated me more and more. I haven't done my weigh-in since July 14th, this friday is the day I have chosen to do it again. I am excited about the scale showing at least 10 lbs less but even if is less than that I'll be happy. i used to be up 3, down…
  • welcome! same here, i recently joined this site and it has helped me a lot in my weight goal!
  • Hello Everyone, I just recently joined this thanks to a great friend who introduced me to this, so far i love it! I think will be a great thing to have friends here who are trying to reach the same goal. I'd love to hear encouragement and of course I would love to encourage others. Hope to find fitness pals here! Have a…