StephieP1126 Member


  • As far as meat goes pretty much all meat is good. Ground beef, steak, pork. I would be aware of ham as most hams have some kind of corn syrup or sweetener made from corn. I can't eat eggs, so I usually make low carb biscuits (Pintrest) and have a sausage biscuit. Avocados are really. I found a cookbook called Bacon &…
  • I've been doing keto for 1 1/2 months! Add me too, please.
  • nevermind I got it !
  • How do you personalize your signature w/ the tickers and stuff? - Stephie
  • Hi I'm new to this site. Trying to get my eating under control. I don't want to have health issues that can be avoided by losing weight. However this "lifestyle change/journey" is pretty hard. I have been struggling w/ the same 7 pounds for 3 years now and then over the summer I gained 12 pounds. So now I am back to where…
    in Hi Comment by StephieP1126 October 2008