cate1388 Member


  • Obesity is not simply caused simply by overeating. Sugar and highly palatable foods interfere with our natural signals of fullness and satiation. A healthy body seeks to maintain its natural weight, and there are all sorts of biomechanical processes that regulate metabolism, hunger, and appetite in order to do so. When you…
  • I can't believe this conversation; I feel like people are being intentionally dense. Of course certain foods can be bad for you! Highly processed artificial foods, foods high in saturated fat, trans fat, HFCS can cause heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. Why do you think we have so much disease in our country? Now the…
  • A thigh gap is generally representative of anorexia and not fitness. I once had a small thigh gap, but I can tell you, I was miserable during that time. Goals like that are generally harmful, women are meant to have body fat!