

  • Having a hard week here and not doing as well as I'd like :frown: It's been bad news all around, coupled with going out with friends for the first time in several months on Monday, and though I've more or less stayed near my calories I've had an ice cream cone, subway sandwich, thick fries at a burger joint and full…
  • Going to be a busy month and I don't foresee much opportunity to get much exercise or push myself in the next 30 days. I'll be happy to get down 2 pounds and not have a nervous breakdown.
  • I don't want someone judging me for eating my ice cream and I can't fully understand judging others based on their food choices either. You see one meal that a person eats, but that doesn't give you any idea of their eating habits other times, how can you form an opinion on someone based on one meal? Okay, that meal could…
  • Emotional eating is still my biggest struggle, I figure I can't unlearn the habits from years in a matter of months, though, so I'm going to keep trying. My first reaction after being upset or stressed is to find something good to eat, but now I've at least learned the skills to stop myself from actually going out and…
  • Wow, you've got some dedication! I've seen your posts around the boards and it's amazing how much you handle. I push myself to get a ton done during the day but unless I get 8 hours of sleep I'm a zombie the next day, and I've realized over time it's more productive for me to sleep the full 8 hours and have a bit less time…
  • Yikes, it's that close! Haha, I had planned to be down another 6.something pounds but then (my goal weight :love:), but that much in less than 8 weeks at my current size is not going to happen! I suppose I'll reset to 5 more pounds for the time being and see what happens. Otherwise I'd love to be in a more regular exercise…
  • Interesting post and responses, I've noticed this too. My dad is one of those people who will go out to dinner with the family going on and on that he "hasn't eaten anything all day!". A few months back I visited and stayed with him a few weeks and we went out to dinner several times. He would say the same thing 3/4 of the…
  • No problem at all! Haha, I'm actually not sure if I managed to update myself or some kind soul helped me out, my computer's been having issues and refused to let me update the last two days, so somehow either the changes did go through or THANK YOU to whoever helped me! It seems to be working now for me anyway, thankfully.
  • Great point to keep in mind. This morning I realized I've lost 3 pounds this month, which is great for my weight but seems so little compared to some people, but looking at that picture.... I'll take three of those off my body anytime!
  • While I don't set specific dates, I do join challenges to keep me motivated! Like right now, I am part of a Christmas Challenge and have set a number it would be awesome to see as my goal for the end. However, I take this with a grain of salt. I can't predict when my body will plateau and I know something as simple as…
  • Okay, two days to weigh in and I'm SCARED! I've done wonderfully sticking to my calories this week and it paid off, already I took off all the weight I added back last week and then .4 more but now we're coming on the dreaded weekend. I usually plan my weekend meals to stay on track, but when suddenly it's time for my…
  • Yikes, I'm super super late! Yesterday was unbelievably hectic, but hey, even if it's mid-morning here already it's still Thursday in the States, right? :ohwell: I added my info to the spreadsheet and I'm at 111.8 now, not so bad! I officially lost a huge amount this week... but that was only because a week ago I was…
  • ^^^^This is great, great suggestions. Regardless of whether or not she is ready yet to make the changes, remember you need to keep the changes going in your life for your own health, and since you are ready don't let anything stop your progress. I definitely second giving reassurance during the period though. When one…
  • Originally Ohio, right now Singapore, if I'm accepted to grad school anywhere between Ontario and Vancouver, Canada by next August
  • Most weight charts put the "ideal" weight for my height a bit higher than what I'm aiming at, but only by a few pounds. I've got a small bone structure, however, and anything over 110 tends to look bloated on my frame- around 102-105 (where I set my goal) I know I feel best and look best.
  • It looks like we're right about the same stats! I'm 5'1'' and this morning was 112 exactly, hopefully we can support each other as our goals are right about the same too :happy: It sounds like you've got everything in order, good luck giving up the alcohol and keeping an eye on the night snacking! it's not far to go from…
  • Thank you for the support :flowerforyou: Actually, taking a moment to try some deep breathing techniques sounds perfect, it isn't something I've really tried before but I do need to take a few minutes out to relax and get things straight now and again. I also found a 10 minute massage for 10 dollar spot right by my…
  • I just took my measurements last night, actually! I'm currently at 36-27.5-37, I'd love to see 2 more inches off everything ideally (okay, except bust, that really doesn't need to go down anymore), but I know I've got to step up my exercise routine before that happens. I'm only a few pounds from my goal weight, but would…
  • I'd love to join a support group too! I'm so happy I can finally say I'm within 10 pounds of my goal :bigsmile: But it definitely has gotten more challenging lately, weight coming off slower and gaining much easier on those not-so-good days, not surprising when even maintenance calories are down to about 1500... Not to…
  • I'll join everyone here in saying CONGRATS on the loss you've accomplished already, nothing wrong with losing a pound a week and in the end your loss will be much more sustainable. I'll add one thing as well- are you sure of how many calories you're burning during exercise? Most times the calories it shows on machines…
  • Well, I had a fantastic week and looked all set to meet a pound down by today... and then yesterday happened. Actually, it started Friday night when I decided a on a rice/beef/butter/soy laden teppanyaki dinner of 1000 calories+. Not unexpectedly, the sodium (...and extra calories) stuck with me and I was that pound back…
  • Ahaha, I'm definitely not Asian and don't have Asian parents, but I'm living in Asia and STILL get the remarks. I gained about 10 pounds after I moved and my BOSS told me I looked like I was putting on weight. WTF man, I'm doing my job just as well, stop looking at the size of my butt! Now that I've lost nearly everything…
  • Two a day here as well. I add enough milk and sugar to bring each cup to 70 calories and haven't had any problem losing. Actually, a cup of coffee and some fruit salad for breakfast is enough to keep me feeling pleasantly full until late morning snack... which is when that second cup of the day comes in :heart:
  • I know it's not weigh in day but I just wanted to mention how proud I'm feeling of this group. So many people are working so hard to get healthy and change their lives, it's inspiring :heart: Great job to everyone recording losses and hang in there for those who haven't lost!
  • Haha, it happens. I do admit to a bit of enviousness though when I hear of people heavier than me who can fit into smaller sizes. I'm a steady 113 at 5'1'' and still can only get into a 6, the 4s are still too tight to wear comfortably. But I know of other people who have gotten easily into size 2s at the same weight and…
  • I'm 5'1'' and aiming for around 102-105, still well within the healthy range for someone my size with a small frame. Within 10 pounds now and so close I can taste it! I've still got a little pudge going on around the middle and a few other trouble spots, but it's significantly reduced from my starting weight and I think by…
  • I've got a pretty small range as I'm a pretty small girl :ohwell: My goal weight range is from 102-105, so my plan is to hit 105, then sloooowly increase my calories to maintenance, and hopefully I'll get to around 102 during the slow increase, as during that time I would still be under maintenance calories by a bit. Then…
  • I like the stairs explanation, that’s how mine has been too. It’s very interesting to look back on after a period of time, but it does get frustrating when you know you’ve been busting your butt the whole week and every time you step on the scale it’s the exact same number. …Then you lose a load in a day and wonder why it…
  • I am the same as goodwille, my goals are numbers that I know I can reach for sure but will mean I can't allow myself to slide backward for even one week without risking not making it. It keeps me accountable because every time I eat more than my goal I have to face myself and remember I'm only making it harder to reach my…
  • - My eyes changed from blue to green when I was 3 years old. The doctors told my parents it was impossible for eyes to change that late and there must be a mistake, but we still have my baby pics from my 3rd birthday party with bright blue eyes. - I met my SO online and graduated college about 6 months later. I flew out to…
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