

  • If you are having a craving for something then they are great! But remember, they have little nutritional value. It is better to eat something that is good for your body.
  • Also, make sure you up your protein intake to allow your muscles to repair and recover. If you have not been weight training, they will really need this! Good luck!
  • DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED IF THE SCALE DOES CRAZY THINGS when you start weight training!!! Especially if you are new to it. Weight training provides amazing results that you will be very happy with if you stick with it. Don't let the scale scare you. Let your ultimate goal be that tight, toned body that you want!! What kind…
  • I have actually made this with wheat french bread, egg beaters and sugar free syrup....It was still yummy!!
  • I am happy to say I looked my nemesis straight in the face and finished my first adventure 5K!!! It was so much fun! Maybe running isn't so bad afterall. My teammate and I finished 3.08 miles + 5 obstacles in 33minutes 26 seconds....Not too bad for a first timer! Now I am looking for my next fun run.
  • I am also an instructor and would highly encourage you to talk to the instructor first. Make sure you understand how to set your bike up or you can put a lot of stress on your joints. There is a guy who comes to my classes regularly that began spin at 290+ pounds. It can be done but you have to be very careful. Your butt…
  • You are so welcome! Good luck and listen to what you body tells you...It knows best!
  • I am sure you have done tons of research but here is a link that might be a little helpful.... Do you work out at home or in the gym?
  • I know it is difficult during a flair up but isn't exercise good for fibromyalgia overall??
  • YEAH TAMI!!! Congratulations on all of your hard work and determination...You set a true example!
  • Body Pump + Spin = Limp Noodle Legs!!! Gotta love it! Let me know how it works out for you! I have my qualms about Body Pump and the other Les Mills classes I have taken. I think lots of people can get injured doing those classes. It makes me very nervous watching others in Body Pump. Just a little soap box I won't bother…
  • They make gel cushions to fit over the seat but I find they just move around under you. Not fun!
  • I teach a spin class once a week and 1-2 times a week. A great feeling is spin after Body Pump!! Talk about calorie burn....And you get to eat lots of exercise calories!! It is good to get a rest in between classes though. Not only does it let your body recover, but it keeps you from plateauing (is that a word??). I took 2…
  • Nothing makes you feel better than slipping on some skinny jeans!
  • Wonder Woman is and always has been my hero. And my arms are a combo of dad's genes and hard work! Thanks!
  • First of all...That pic is too cute!! An adventure race is not straight running. It is a 3 mile run with obstacles in between. This race includes tire runs, hay bail climbs, a muddy crawl and a mystery obstacle. The good Lord only knows what I am getting myself into but I am sure I will have a blast!
  • Thanks!! We will see how this body responds...
  • Staying busy works for me too! Clean some toilets....that will keep your mind out of the kitchen. I have also found that doing a killer Sat morning routine keeps me grounded for the rest of the day...Body Pump and Spin usually does it!
  • I have decided to run at least 1 adventure race and 1 5K. Distance running is something I have yet to do well with so wish me luck. I have signed up for my first adventure race in Baton Rouge in less than a month!!!! Yikes!!! Prayers please!
  • As long as you keep your eating clean you will be just fine. Have fun! Keep me posted. You might convince me to jump back on that bandwagon after P90X!
  • I did it and it is really good. Be prepared to look a little silly though. Are you doing it at home or at a gym? Lots of people at my gym (although they already know I am nuts) stopped and asked me if I was trying to kill myself! Quite funny! Idid not use her meal plan because I found it was a little complicated...Lots of…
  • This is gross but I have never washed mine!
  • If you absolutely LOVE bagels then you should try to make the switch to english muffins. They satisfy the same love for bagels but are a lot less calorie dense. I eat whole wheat english muffins with PB pretty often.
    in oh no! Comment by deamarie November 2008
  • Water and tea both dehydrate you which is the exact opposite effect you are going for. I was once told you should drink an EXTRA water (in addition to your 8/day) for each coffee or tea....ESPECIALLY if you are working out. Just last weekend, someone passed out in spin class due to the fact he had 3 cups of coffee and NO…
  • I just chugged some water for you too Anna Banana!! Just say NO to the useless intake of sugar!!
  • I am the queen of "Don't beat yourself up about it!".... It happened...It's over.....Now get it together and take control again!
  • That is exactly why I do it too! I am a speech therapist by day and a fitness instructor by night...
  • I thought about the P90X but decided against it for a few reasons...1) I hate working out at home! 2) I teach classes at a gym so it is hard for me to fit in such a structured program 3) It is so expensive! Let me know if you think it is really worth it and if I might be able to incorporate some of the things in my classes.
  • I actually did it for 90 days. The diet is difficult...too much cooking with strange ingredients. The workout is great!! Pretty intense and I saw great results.
  • Browsing through the messages, I have found lots of people having a hard time with their veggies. If you haven't discovered the Ziploc or Glad steamer bags yet then you must go get some today!!!! They have helped me increase my veggie intake greatly! I throw frozen stir fry veggies in one for supper almost every night. You…